About Me

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I'm a newly retired nurse loving the stress free life of retirement.Keeping busy making flower gardens in the front and back yard and posting them here for my children to see since they are scattered all over the 48 states.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chandelier on porch

I added some pretties to my chandelier on the porch.

This would make a pretty Christmas card.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hi Frosty

Oh Christmas tree how beautiful your branches

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Where are the hot dogs?

Had 5 days off so built me a burning pit.Oh so lovely. Summers will be great sitting around this fire.

The grand enterance.

Monday, October 11, 2010

How to build a arbor for under $10.

I've always wanted a arbor in the back yard. All kinds of pretty ones to buy and build but I havn't a truck to buy and carry it home.So here is my arbor I build for under $10.

Day one

I  selected four tall slim trees and postioned them in the ground with a bag of quick setting concrete $6

Day two

I gathered more small trees and screwed them into the tall posts of the corners top and bottom and made a x which will come into play later.

Day three
Next I selected interesting trees for the roof. After I cut them off at each end and added this pretty branch for some color since it is fall.

Looking good!!

Day four and final day and most fun is making this arbor more decorative. This day will cost you $4 in large cable staples to place the knot around the design.

I used cedar because it is very pliable and will act like robe.

A beautiful arbor to be proud of. I ordered solar xmas lights to place on the roof. To the right of the arbor I planted white climbing roses and to the left I planted red climbing roses.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Isn't she pretty??

Found her in Fish Creek, WI
She look lovely on the porch.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sandhill cranes

Saw these two on our way for a drive. They where just up the road from my house.

Grandma Cota has a rabbit

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pond makeover

Oh look I see a pretty fish in my pond. Do you??

See those duck??

I decided to change the pond location and I just love it now. How about you??

Monday, May 24, 2010

Winter getaway??

Fort Walton Beach looks like great place for winter getaway. ummm I might consider that :)
Great places to eat and shop and just hang out.

Michael's apartment at Fort Walton Beach


I thought I was looking at snow. Fort Walton Beaches

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My favorite one so far.

These hats are crochet out of wool and then felted in the washer.

Felt hats I made

Sunday, January 10, 2010