About Me

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I'm a newly retired nurse loving the stress free life of retirement.Keeping busy making flower gardens in the front and back yard and posting them here for my children to see since they are scattered all over the 48 states.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Veggy Garden

Gramma and I made this little fun garden beds out in the side lawn. This will be Gramma Cota project. I will keep you posted how they grow.

cow slips

Just 200 yards from my drive is this beautiful patch of cow slips. I was told that the real name of these flowers is swamp marigolds. I never heard that before. They grow along creek banks. So pretty.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring is around the corner

This is my new project for this year to enhance my curb appeal. Looks pretty good what you think? It's our Mother day gift to each other. (MOM and ME)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I would love to post a picture of my new garden but I can't figure it out???